What does “I like you” mean anyway

Facebook like button imageI’ve heard it, you’ve heard it, we’ve all heard it, but what does “I like you mean?”  In the “real world” as those people who live outside the online world call it, if you “like” someone it means that you want to spend more time with them.  Of course the “spending more time” with someone is where things get a little cloudier and I’ll leave this up to you to define.

In the online world, “liking” has taken off.  On my personal page the other day, I was told that eight of my friends “liked” Lady GaGa.   Of course, I then decided I needed new friends.  But, what about the other “likes” on Facebook that are tied to businesses around the world?  Some statistics have the count of fan pages  around 500,000.  But, how does one page stand out over another?  We say it’s simple.

Our Philosophy:
Go back to the idea of “liking.” Why or how do you like one person more than an another?  Why did you choose your current husband or wife?  For the relationship right?  It’s the same thing online.  Just like in dating or courting or whatever type of online dating service you may be using this week, there is always something that attracts you to someone, or in the business case “liking something.”  And, just like in dating, if you want to take this relationship offline and discuss our ideas further, contact us and we’ll setup a conversation.

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